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Resilient Leadership

Short Take #16: Resilient Leadership

August 12, 20231 min read

“Resilience is the maintenance of high levels of positive affect and well-being in the face of adversity."

- Richard Davidson

Key Takeaways:

  • Topic: Resilience in IT Leadership

  • Definition: Resilience is maintaining high levels of positive affect and well-being despite adversity, as described by Richard Davidson.

  • Metaphor: IT projects/businesses are like ships navigating stormy seas; resilience helps them withstand the challenges.

  • Need: In today's digital age with frequent disruptions, IT leadership requires resilience for success.

  • Facets of Resilience in IT Leadership:

    1. Adaptability Amidst Technological Flux

      • Leaders must keep up with rapid tech changes.

      • Embrace regular training, R&D, and a culture open to change.

      • LinkedIn's Reid Hoffman: View organizations as 'startups' for agility.

    2. Embracing a Growth Mindset

      • Challenges in tech are inevitable; view them as growth opportunities.

      • A growth mindset views errors as insights and failures as learning moments.

    3. Navigating Challenges with Stoic Equanimity

      • Stay composed in the face of cybersecurity threats, infrastructure issues, and more.

      • Use Stoic philosophy to approach problems with calmness and clarity.

      • Emphasize proactive responses to disruptions.

    4. Vulnerability and Team Dynamics

      • Leaders should acknowledge vulnerabilities and understand team challenges.

      • Open communication fosters trust and resilience in teams.

      • Brené Brown: Vulnerability is crucial in leadership roles for team cohesion.

    5. Strategic Vision and Organizational Resilience

      • Have a clear tech vision to ensure future success.

      • Use SWOT analyses, scenario planning, and stakeholder engagements.

      • Balance present challenges with optimism for the future.

  • Conclusion: A resilient IT leader combines adaptability, growth mindset, stoicism, strong team dynamics, and a clear strategic vision to navigate the challenges of the digital age.

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Robert Castle

Robert Castle is an executive and leadership coach and advisor. A leader in the information technology industry for over three decades, Robert inspires organizations, teams, and executives to shift their mindsets, innovate, and transform performance.

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