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Digital Detox for Technology Executives

Digital Detox for Technology Executives

Is it time for you to do a digital detox? ...more

Leadership ,Freedom from Self-Sabotage &Performance

November 01, 20233 min read

Breaking Free From Perfectionism

Breaking Free From Perfectionism

A brief journey beyond perfectionism. ...more

Leadership ,Freedom from Self-Sabotage &Performance

October 24, 20233 min read

Short Take #16:  Resilient Leadership

Short Take #16: Resilient Leadership

Short discussion on the topic of Resilient Leadership. ...more

Leadership ,Performance

August 12, 20231 min read

Short Take #15:  Growth Mindset

Short Take #15: Growth Mindset

Short discussion on growth mindset? ...more

Leadership ,Performance

August 05, 20232 min read

Short Take #14: Authentic Positivity

Short Take #14: Authentic Positivity

What is authentic or real positivity? ...more

Leadership ,Performance

July 27, 20231 min read

Short Take #13: The Magic Word

Short Take #13: The Magic Word

The Magic Word to maximize leadership and performance. ...more

Leadership ,Performance

July 20, 20231 min read

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